The SE™ Professional Training is a rich, globally recognized, experiential model through which you will receive tangible skills that can be immediately integrated into your professional practice.

The Somatic Experiencing Professional Training is fully accredited by the Somatic Experiencing® International. Successful completion of the program leads to certificate as a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP).

The training program consists of 6 training modules, and each is of 6 days in length. The program spans 2½ to 3 years, allowing for full integration of the skills and clinical application needed to support your professional development.

You will enjoy personalized attention both from your faculty member and from skillful training assistants who oversee class exercises. The training is delivered through a combination of lectures, live demonstrations, guided practice sessions with fellow students, audio-visual case studies, and suggested readings.

Becoming an SE™ Practitioner (SEP) also entails receiving personal SE™ sessions to deepen your experiential knowledge of SE™, and case consultations.
I have come to the conclusion that human beings are born with an innate capacity to triumph over trauma
- Dr Peter Levine
The applications of SE™ are diverse. By working directly with a client’s physiology, SE™ enhances the depth, effectiveness, and outcome of psychotherapeutic interventions focused on relational, developmental, and psychodynamic issues.

SE™ supports mood regulation, the reworking of addictive patterns, and the prevention or resolution of PTSD. Since trauma can contribute to the formation of many complex syndromes and diseases, SE™ aids medical professionals in unwinding challenging medical cases.

SE™ techniques are also effective in reducing or eliminating chronic pain and trauma-related symptoms that present in the musculoskeletal system, making it useful for bodyworkers and other physical-care providers.
The Somatic Experiencing® Professional Training consists of three training levels: Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced.

INTERMEDIATE March 25th to 30th 2025Kavi Gemin
October 21st to 26th 2025Kavi Gemin
ADVANCEDApril 15th to 21st 2026Berns Galloway
October 1st to 7th 2026Berns Galloway
2 modules / 7 days each (In Person)
BEGINNERDecember 5th to 11th 2025Berns Galloway
April 4th to 10th 2026Berns Galloway
INTERMEDIATESeptember 12th to 18th, 2026Francine Kelley
February 6th-12th, 2027Francine Kelley
ADVANCEDSeptember 5th to 11th, 2027Berns Galloway
February 13th-19th, 2028Berns Galloway
Recordings will be available post each module.
Berns Galloway
From the academic perspective, Berns graduated from the University of Victoria with a Masters in Education in 1995. He received his SEP designation in 2003, and was appointed faculty with the Somatic Experiencing Institute in 2008.
From the experiential perspective, Berns has been working with people since 1980 when he started working with elementary school kids. While working in the public school systems, he challenged himself and kids to become more then they imaged by engaging in performance and theatrical endeavours. Here Berns directed, coached and encouraged others to go beyond what was possible. His own personal growth lead him to challenge his own limitations which lead to a career change from education to counselling/mental health/therapy – working with groups, couples and individuals.
From a personal perspective, Berns has been exploring identity and how that impacts our experiences. As a white cis-gender gay male, Berns is becoming more familiar with the privileges and limitations these identities have had over his life time. He is interested in how identity impacts our experience.
Berns brings his academic, experiential and personal perspectives to the SE trainings, facilitating a bottom-up inside-out process for leaning and discovery, in service of becoming an effective somatic oriented practitioner.
Francine Kelley
Francine Kelley is a body-centered psychotherapist and yoga instructor in private practice on Chicago's Northwest side.
Francine’s main area of focus is the therapeutic application of body/mind techniques to help individuals recover from the pervasive effects of trauma, anxiety and depression. To this end Francine has supplemented her MA in Professional Counseling with additional training in body-centered psychotherapy including Somatic Experiencing and Sensorimotor Psychotherapy. She is also certified in Trauma-Sensitive Yoga, LifeForce® Yoga for Anxiety and Depression and in Leslie Howard’s Yoga for Pelvic Health.
Francine’s goal is to support and empower her clients and students by providing tools that they can use to develop their own self-awareness, self-compassion, clarity, resilience, and peace. Through incorporating these skills, they can more skillfully manage their current life situations and make healthy and effective choices for the future.
Develop foundational knowledge and skills in the SE™ biophysiological model for the resolution of trauma.
Analyse the physiology of traumatic stress and its effect on the autonomic nervous system (ANS)
Practice the fundamental SE™ method of tracking sensation to access responses in the ANS.
Study titration and establishing continuity through the felt sense.
Assess the neurophysiology of each aspect of the threat response: defensive orientation, fight/flight/freeze, deactivation and completion, and exploratory orienting.
Develop skills in working with the SE™ model of tracking sensation to support completion of the threat-response cycle and incomplete survival responses.
Demonstrate how to “titrate” (modulate) the SE™ trauma-renegotiation process to ensure healthy integration of experience.
Begin to explore and integrate Porges’ Polyvagal Theory of ANS function.
Explain the SE™ model of SIBAM (Sensation, Image, Behavior, Affect, Meaning) and its significance in trauma.
Explore coupling dynamics—the over- and under-association of the elements of SIBAM and elements of physiological responses to traumatically-stressing experiences.
Self-regulation – be able to identify, normalize, and stabilise traumatic reactions.
Attain skills to avoid the pitfalls of re-traumatisation.
Support clients in re-establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries.
Learn to identify, normalise, and stabilise traumatic reactions.
Acquire brief intervention skills that provide long-term solutions to acute and chronic symptoms of trauma.
Explore the integration of SE™ into ongoing professional practice.
Explore the appropriate use of touch in the context of SE™.
Assess the different categories of trauma as addressed in the SE™ model. Identify the primary characteristics and hallmarks of each category of trauma, as well as specific approaches and interventions for working with each category effectively. This knowledge may be applied to other traumatic or high stress experiences.
Global High Intensity Activation: pre- and peri-natal trauma, early trauma, anesthesia, suffocation, choking, drowning.
High Impact/Failure of Physical Defense: falls, high impact accidents, head injury, motor vehicle accidents and other high impact accidents.
Inescapable Attack: assault, animal attack, rape or sexual abuse, inhibited escape.
Physical Injury: surgery, anaesthesia, burns, poisoning, injury due to accidents or attack.
Natural and Man-Made Disasters: earthquakes, fires, tornadoes, floods, war, terrorism.
Horror: seeing an accident, witnessing abuse or causing harm to another.
Torture and Ritual Abuse: war torture, concentration camp.
Emotional Trauma: severe neglect, abandonment and loss, ongoing abuse.
Further integrate and deepen your understanding of SE™ theory and practice while developing a greater capacity for resonance with the client. Assess how to work with complex trauma and syndromes (IBS, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue). Expand on the use of touch in SE™ practice.
Explain the importance of stabilisation when working with complex trauma.
Explore the SE™ concept of “coherence” in working with complex trauma.
Refine touch skills for supporting containment and coherence.
Refine touch skills for supporting containment and cohaExplain about the inter-relationship between dysregulation of the ANS and the SE™ model of syndromes (non-reciprocal relationship between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems)erence.
Analyse the Polyvagal Theory as it relates to working with syndromes.
Refine the necessary SE™ skills of “titration” and “pendulation” when working with highly sensitive and syndromal clients.
Apply the SE™ model for working with the eyes.
Develop SE™ touch-based skills for working with different categories of trauma.
Explain how SE™ uses joints, body diaphragms, and the viscera to access ANS responses and to support completion of incomplete survival responses.
Explore scope-of-practice issues relating to the integration of SE™ and SE™ touch into professional practice.
1. Classroom attendance
2. Personal Sessions
3. Case Consultations

Only those participants who complete the full training and all requirements to receive an SEP certificate may be called a Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner or SEP and claim to practice Somatic Experiencing®, which is a legally protected trade name.

Participants who do not meet the requirements listed below retain their status of ‘students in training’.
There are three training levels – one level for each year of the training. Each training level comprises 12 days, divided into multiple modules, leading to 36 days in total, for the whole training.

Each level awards 72 attendance credit hours, totaling 216 attendance credit hours for the entire training.
All participants are required to receive a minimum of 12 personal sessions credits from SEI approved providers.
The required sessions are accumulated by the participant during the three year training period. 
It is required that a minimum of 4 personal sessions are received during each training level i.e. 2 per module.
All participants are required to receive 18 case consultations (supervision) credits from SEI approved providers.
This may include a mix of individual or group sessions, in which a minimum of 4 hours must be in the Individual Case Consultation format.
Case consultations will be offered during the training by those assistants approved to do so.
In case of individual case consultations, 1 consult hour equals 1 credit hour.
In case of group case consultations, 3 consult hours equals 1 credit hour.
It is acceptable for the total number of case consultations to be met up to one year after completion of the Advanced II module. However, the participant will not receive an SE™ certificate or be considered an SEP until the full requirements have been met.
*The cost of personal sessions and case consultations is the responsibility of the participant and is based on private agreement between the participant and the session provider. Session costs are not included in the tuition fee.

**Once you have started the next level of training, all sessions received will be counted at the new training level and must be given by a Provider approved to give sessions or consults at your current level of training i.e. if you are attending the Intermediate level, any sessions received by providers who are approved only for the Beginning level will not be counted towards your session requirement totals.

Please know that this is a professional training course, designed to train professionals, already qualified in some form of therapeutic modality, to support clients re-negotiate trauma or high anxiety states. It is not a personal self-help course.
However, due to the nature of the training and the work, it is natural that personal traumas may be triggered during the training, whereby the experience may also become an integrative process for your own personal development. Personal SE sessions from the SEP assistants are available during the training week but further outside support may be required between modules.
Payments for the tuition fees are spread over three years and are made for each training
level. The tuition fee for each level includes:
• All modules for each year of training with a SEI approved faculty member.
• An assistant team with a ratio of 1 assistant for every 3-4 participants.
• Senior Assistants.
• Approved Provider Assistants to facilitate small group practice sessions and to offer
personal and individual case consult sessions.
• A comprehensive manual detailing all information presented in each module.
• A reading list for topics covered in the module for further in depth reading.

The cost of the Somatic Experiencing Professional Training depends upon the payment plan
• The Early Bird offer is available 90 days before the training date
• Standard registration is due 30 days in advance of the commencement date of each training level.

Payment Plan: You can select any of the offers above and choose to pay in installments. The earlier a payment plan starts; the more installments are possible.

Please note that we are no longer offering individual modules. Participants will be required
to sign up for both modules in that particular year.

Payment due date Level 1Level 2Level 3
Standard Single payment15 days before the course start date Rs 1,12,100 (Rs 95,000 + 18% GST)Rs 1,47,500 (Rs 1,25,000 + 18% GST)Rs 1,82,900 (Rs 1,55,000 + 18% GST)
Standard Payment plan 3 & 6 instalment plans but must complete final payment 15 days before the course start date. Rs 1,18,000 (Rs 1,00,000 + 18% GST)Rs 1,53,400 (Rs 1,30,000 + 18% GST)Rs 1,88,800 (Rs 1,60,000 + 18% GST)
Early Bird Single payment 60 days before the course start date. Rs 1,06,495 (Rs 90,250 + 18% GST)Rs 1,40,125 (Rs 1,18,750 + 18% GST)Rs 1,73,755 (Rs 1,47,250 + 18% GST)
Early Bird Payment plan 3 & 6 instalment plans but must complete final payment 60 days before the course start date. Rs 1,06,495 (Rs 90,250 + 18% GST)Rs 1,46,025 (Rs 1,23,750 + 18% GST)Rs 1,79,655 (Rs 1,52,250 + 18% GST)
Payment PlansDue dateBeginner levelIntermediate levelAdvanced Level
Early bird Payment90 days before the course start dateRs 1,53,400 (Rs 1,30,000 + 18% GST)Rs 1,84,080 (Rs 1,56,000+ 18% GST)Rs 2,26,560 (Rs 1,92,000 + 18% GST)
Single Payment30 days before the course start dateRs 1,65,200 (Rs 1,40,000 + 18% GST)Rs 1,98,240 (Rs 1,68,000+ 18% GST)Rs 2,40,720 (Rs 2,04,000 + 18% GST)
6 Months Payment Plan6 instalment plan but must complete final payment 30 days before the course start date. This plan will no longer be applicable post 5 June 2025.Rs 29,500 (Rs 25,000 + 18% GST) x 6 monthsRs 35,400 (Rs 30,000 + 18% GST) x 6 monthsRs 42,480 (Rs 36000 + 18% GST) x 6 months
9 Months Payment Plan9 instalment plan but must complete final payment 30 days before the course start date. This plan will no longer be applicable post 5 March 2025.Rs 20,060 (Rs 17,000 + 18% GST) x 9 monthsRs 23,600 (Rs 20,000 + 18% GST) x 9 monthsRs 28,320 (Rs 24,000 + 18% GST) x 9 months
* Tuition does not include accommodation for in-person training. It represents tuition costs only.
Deposit of Rs 29500 (Rs25000 + 18% GST)to be made to confirm your seat.
The deposit is non-refundable and non-transferable.

* Current Prevailing GST rate is 18%.
* Depending on when you complete your registration process, Healing Circle Admin support will guide you with the payment instalment plans.